Saturday, July 07, 2007

More of My Photography

Who needs grad school when you've got a digital camera?! My camera gives me the opportunity to try on new perspectives, think in new ways about familiar things, discover new ideas, explore intellectual insights, share that understanding with others, and express the "real" me in new ways--all things a PhD is supposed to do for you (or so I'm told). Click here to see more of my photography (which is a lot more fun to produce than the writing I'm supposed to be doing right now)!


Welch Mom said...

Beautiful photos!

Cherice said...

Thanks! That really means a lot coming from a truly professional photographer like you!

Rebecca said...

I am glad you commented on my blog so I could find you. Your photos are impressive! You are very creative.

-Rebecca Mauss

p.s.We're coming back to Michigan in August.

Ally Cat Girl said...

WOW! I'm impressed! I didn't know you were that in to photography! Your photos are freaking amazing!

Cherice said...

Thanks, Rebecca and Allison! Rebecca, I'll be looking for you! Allison, hope all is well with your new place!